Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy

Policy Statement

Monroe Community College believes that the illegal use of drugs and alcohol presents a serious health and safety hazard to the college community and interferes with educational and occupational success. The college fully complies with the Drug Free School and Communities Act of 1989 to prohibit the illegal possession, consumption and distribution of drugs and alcohol on college property, during classes and at activities officially sponsored by the college. Students, faculty and staff may not consume alcoholic beverages on College property, during classes, or in connection with activities officially sponsored by the college except by permission of the college President.

Monroe Community College supports all federal, state and local ordinances pertaining to alcohol and drugs and will fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities to protect the students, staff and faculty of the college from the illegal possession, purchase, sale, and manufacture of controlled substances and alcohol. The college will refer offenders to the proper civil authorities. Regardless of whether the legal action is pursued by the college or outside agencies, disciplinary action will be taken by the college for violations of the law, college policy or college Conduct Regulations. All students, faculty and staff should be familiar with the Drug Free Campus Policy and abide by it. In addition, all college faculty, staff and student employees must be in compliance with the Monroe Community College Drug Free Workplace Policy.

Legal Sanctions

Laws Governing Alcohol

The State of New York sets 21 as the minimum age to purchase or possess any alcoholic beverage. Specific ordinances regarding violations of alcohol laws including driving while intoxicated are available from the Public Safety Department or the Office of the Vice President, Human Resources. Effective January 1, 1990, the package of new state laws was passed regarding alcohol. The new law included the following:

  1. Persons under 21 found possessing alcohol may be given a maximum fine of $50.
  2. Anyone convicted of fraudulently using a drivers license to buy or to attempt to buy alcohol may have his drivers license suspended for up to 90 days.
  3. Persons convicted of buying alcohol through fraudulent means face a possible $100 fine and/or being required to do up to 30 hours of community service work.

A violation of any law regarding alcohol is also a violation of the Monroe Community College Conduct Regulations and will be treated as a separate disciplinary matter by the college.

Behavior that disrupts the educational environment, causes public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creates a risk to people and/or property even though motivated by alcohol is a violation of law and college Conduct Regulations.

Controlled Substance Offenses

Criminal possession, sale or use of drugs is covered in articles 220 and 221 of the New York State Penal Law. The seriousness of the offense and penalty imposed upon conviction depend upon the individual drug and amount held or sold ranging from a maximum of 15 days and $250 fine for a violation to a maximum of $100,000 fine and life imprisonment for a class A felony. It is important to be aware that under the Penal Law, a gift of drugs is treated as a sale.

A violation of any law regarding drugs is also a violation of the Monroe Community College Conduct Regulations and will be treated as a separate disciplinary matter by the college.

Detailed information regarding the penalties for illegal possession and distribution of drugs is available from the Public Safety Department.

College Sanctions

In addition to legal sanctions the college will take disciplinary action for violations of law, college Policy or Conduct Regulations, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment.

Health Risks & Treatment

Health Risks

As part of the effort to create a drug-free campus, Monroe Community College believes that the college community should be educated about the physical and emotional health hazards the misuse of drugs and alcohol presents. MCC provides information and educational programs on substance abuse throughout the year to students, faculty and staff. Listed below are some of the health risks associated with using/abusing alcohol and various drugs. (Please note that the dangers associated with substance abuse are not limited to only the conditions listed below.)

Substance Known Health Risks
Alcohol Heart and liver damage; brain damage; death from overdose and accidents.
Marihuana/Hashish Impaired memory perception, interference with psychological maturation, possible damage to lungs and heart, psychological dependence.
Cocaine Intense psychological dependence, sleeplessness and anxiety, nasal passage damage, lung damage, and death from overdose.
Stimulants Loss of appetite, hallucinations, paranoia, convulsions, brain damage, cancers of the lung, throat, mouth, death from overdose.
Depressants Infection, addiction, loss of appetite, death from overdose, nausea, and has severe interaction with alcohol.
Narcotics Addiction with severe withdrawal symptoms, loss of appetite, death from overdose.
Hallucinogens Anxiety, depression, impaired memory, emotional breakdown, death from overdose.
Inhalants Drastic weight loss, brain damage, liver and bone marrow damage, high risk of sudden death.

Please contact the Health Services Department for additional information on the risks involved with the misuse of drugs and alcohol.

Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation

Monroe Community College has an experienced and highly-qualified staff in the Counseling Center and Health Services who can provide information, confidential referrals and assistance to those persons with problems stemming from use or abuse of drugs or alcohol. Employees are encouraged to utilize the Employees' Assistance Program (EAP) when necessary. Information pertaining to the EAP is available in the Personnel Office.

The New York State Division of Substance Abuse Services supports and monitors a state-wide network of prevention and treatment programs. Persons concerned about substance abuse problems are invited to call toll-free, 1-800-522-5353 for information and assistance.

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